In College Football 25, the Jurdle is a specialized move designed to help you avoid tacklers and break free from pressure. It’s an effective tool for quarterbacks, running backs, and even wide receivers in certain situations where agility and speed can make a difference. Here's when and how to CFB 25 Coins use it for maximum effectiveness:
When to Use the Jurdle in CFB 25:
1. In Open Space to Evade Tacklers:
The Jurdle is most effective when you have some open space ahead of you, and you’re facing a defender who’s closing in fast. The move allows you to jump over the defender while maintaining momentum, which can help you avoid being tackled and extend your play.
Example: You’re running with the ball on an outside zone run or a designed QB scramble. A defender is coming in with a good angle for a tackle, and using the Jurdle allows you to jump over them and keep running.
2. When You’re Close to the Sideline:
The Jurdle is a great option when you're near the sideline and you’re at risk of going out of bounds or being hit. A well-timed Jurdle can not only help you evade the tackler but can also give you more space to cheap College Football 25 Coins continue running along the sideline.
Example: You’re sprinting toward the sideline after a broken play or a designed rollout. The defense is closing in on you, but with a quick Jurdle, you leap over the tackler and gain a few more yards.